Four Posters and A Pickle - The Ukulele Rock Opera

The Blatant Creation of Art and The Bristol Ukulele Club are about to perform again!!! See below for deets.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Hello and welcome.

The Blatant Creation of Art is terribly terribly proud to announce that Four Posters and a Pickle will be performed in an updated fashion at at 7.30pm on Saturday 27th October 2012.

Tickets are £5 and they're going like sweet pickles. Phone the venue on 0117 9231212 to book.

Bring relatives! Bring friends! Bring enemies and you'll be friends by the end!

The show features lights, special effects and two new songs. The fantastic Bristol Ukulele Club with play a few select songs in the second half too.

If you want a taste of what happen last time, feast your eyes on this: